Meet an Excellence in Teaching Awards educator: Jigisha Patel

We’re featuring some of the educators who were recognized with 2024 Excellence in Teaching Awards for making a significant impact on students’ academic growth.

Jigisha Patel earned her Award for her work as a kindergarten teacher at Meeting Street – Burns.
Were the Excellence in Teaching Awards a factor in your decision to work for Meeting Street Schools? If yes, why?
No, it wasn’t a factor when I decided to work for Meeting Street Schools. The Excellence in Teaching Awards didn’t begin until a couple years after I started working. However, it is a great incentive for me to continue working for Meeting Street Schools.
How do you maintain high levels of student engagement and motivation throughout the school year?
We create a high level of student engagement by building relationships with our students as individuals. We encourage teamwork and collaboration. We set high expectations and provide feedback.
How do you use data and assessments to inform your teaching and identify areas where students need additional support?
We use data and assessments to identify areas where students need additional support. We give in the moment feedback when we are sharking (walking around the room observing student work). We collect daily exit tickets (assignments at the end of lessons that students complete independently) that helps us implement tier 2 and tier 3 inventions.
What role does classroom management play in your ability to achieve academic success, and what are your key strategies?
Classroom management plays an important role in achieving academic success. It creates a positive and supportive learning environment. Our key strategies are setting clear expectations, building relationships, effectively communicating expectations and providing feedback.
What factors have contributed to your success in the classroom?
Factors that have contributed success in the classroom are setting clear goals and working toward them, making sure that students are focused and motivated, being organized and open to new ideas, and learning from others. Also, having a co teacher, an instructional dean and family involvement really helps to drive the success. It takes a village to have a successful classroom.
How do you tailor your teaching methods to meet the diverse needs of your students?
Just like any other students we get to know their learning styles, needs, and cultures. We are flexible with our teaching strategies to accommodate different learners. We offer a variety of learning activities and assessments to help students build on their strengths and improve areas they need to. We are also lucky to have additional multi-lingual learning support resources.